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Friday, May 18, 2012

Sunday Best & Happy Mothers Day!

May 6, 2012 }

we decided to finally get back to church. We got the kids all dressed up for their first day of church. I tried to get photos, I wanted them together but taking pictures of 1 baby let alone 2 was hard enough! They just didn't want to work with me. But still, every one of their little faces is cute to me :)

 Growing-1 month }

All my kids are just growing up too fast! I got pictures of them when they were first born in the baskets but I had them all swaddled up so you can't really tell how much they have grown ( i'll do better at getting pictures of just them from now on so you can all see just how big they are getting).

Sisa had to have a picture taken too.. this is a classic Sisa face

Mothers Day }

I woke up to some fun surprises from my cute little family. Sisa got me a card that sings a song  and she made me the cute little butterfly magnets. She was SO excited to give them to me. She made them with her Grandma D, 2 days before, and when she got home with them all wrapped she hid them under her bed and said "Mama, you can't look under my bed, OK?"

I can't believe how patiently she waited too! Devin told her that morning she could get me my surprise now and she ran to her room and ran out all excited and told me to hurry and open them. Oh I also got some chocolates that she too excitedly helped me eat lol.

Devin surprised me with some many colors of nail polish :) Now that it's warming up I can wear my flip flops and show off my amazing talent at painting toes [ i'm not really amazing, I just pretend I am ;) ]

We enjoyed the sunshine by going to the park with my brother and sis-in-law.

Sisa made sure to tell me how much she loved me and how good of a mama she thinks I am :') *Brought tears to my eyes

My mothers day was very special. Not that I don't realize it already, but it made me realize even more just how much I love being a mama! I just love my kids SOOOO much! They sure are special to me!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ran a 5k!

First of all.. what the heck happened to blogger! Now I have to try and figure out how to change things!

2nd of all.. it's been awhile! But can you blame me? I have 3 kids and am back at work :/ no fun! [ Just about the work part, having 3 kids is actually really fun :) ]

So the question everyone asks, how is it having twins? Well you know what, it's actually been really nice! It has it's moments like when they are both screaming their little cute heads off because they are hungry but other than that.. they are good babies. They are starting to be more aware now of everything and they notice us more which is way fun.

They both are starting to develop their own little personalities. It's so crazy because they are definitely 2 different babies! 


1] is long and lanky
2]  likes being awake 
3] loves to stare at you
4] is very wiggly
5] isn't fond of bath time
6] loves his plug
7] really strong, he can already hold himself up on his forearms
8] can hold his head  up really well
9] really likes to be held, infact he prefers to be held ( fussing may occur if not held ha ha)
10] enjoys belly time

1] Hazel is our little dough girl haha, she is such a little chunker!
2] loves bath time
3] likes being in her swing
4] likes being swaddled
5] is alright hanging out by herself under her dome toy (whatever you wanna call it, the blanket that looks like a dome with the arches and hanging toys... ya... you know what I am talking about right?)
6] is easy to soothe

We love them!

So last weekend me and my sis in law Becky ran this 5k for my friend:

I have played soccer with Tessa for a long time. She is such a strong awesome girl! You can read her story here. This is her 3rd battle with cancer!

It was such a great experience and we enjoyed getting to get out together and get some exercise :) Lys joined us too in the jogging stroller! 

It was at the Heritage West Center. It had rained the night before and the trail was on a gravel path that went thru a giant dirt ( now mud! ) field for about a quarter mile of the run. It gave us quite a work out pushing the stroller thru the thick mud. The poor stroller was CAKED and I mean CAKED with mud. Lys loved it!

At the end we got powdered with color! That was Lys's favorite part :)

It was loads of fun and I plan on doing more throughout the summer! 

I AM BOUND AND DETERMINED TO LOSE WEIGHT! Right now that is the only post-partum depression I am having right now lol. I know that I have OBVIOUSLY lost loads of weight being that I just had twins and all.. but it's hard when I worked SO hard after having Lys to lose tons of weight, then to watch my weight while I was pregnant with twins and still end up being stuck with more weight than I was expecting.. sigh.. 

but my babies are worth it :) And I have no problem working for it, just means i'll be that much tougher right?

This is my digital Scrapbook. And.. yeah.. i designed the papers and stuff myself :) sweet huh?

Elysa's Favorite Video! She asks for it by pointing at the computer and yelling "Apples!Apples"