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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Weekend

It's always nice to get a 3 day weekend but boy did we pack this weekend!

Every once in awhile I just get this random amount of energy and I just can't stop going!

Saturday the kids, my parents and I went and hit some yard sales. This week was a good week! I got a whole mess of painting stuff (rollers, brushes, roller-brushes, tape) for $10! That stuff is not cheap and I always hate having to buy tons every time I want to start a new project. So I was stoked to get so much backup stuff for dirt cheap!

I also got this little desk for FREE!
Looks a little beat and needs some TLC but it wont be too hard. I already have a coat of Primer on it and just need to add the color and plan to paint the top with chalkboard paint. I am working on Lys's room and getting it all cute and nice for Hazel to move in when this new little guy gets here so the boys can be together and the girls can be together. Lys loves and I mean LOVES to draw, color, craft.. you name it so I am excited for her to start using this.

I also found this little cubby thing. We always are just throwing mail and stuff into a basket on the counter and it's so annoying to have to go thru and organize and I have turned into a cluttler freak. I CAN"T STAND IT! I think I am becoming OCD and if things aren't organized and tidy I go crazy. Anyways, I forgot to get a before picture but it was just an ugly brown wood thing so I gave it some paint and added some fabric to match the kitchen and to spruce it up some. I was excited about the turnout!

I have been a crafting freak lately and just have projects lined up one after another. Can't wait to get them all done, I'll post along the way :)

After yardsales (and a nap) we went to my grandmas because my aunt and uncle and cousins were over and had a pizza party with out Pizza Oven. It was a lot of fun and the kids were hilarious!

I wish we would have gotten video but Hazel got so tired crazy that she would just start laughing and it ended up sounding like a lamb baaing.. we were all laughing pretty hard. And then there was Henry... He developed a little angry man temper and would walk around yelling at every one in gibberish while waving his arms. It was pretty hilarious! I've got to get a video of this and am disappointed in my dumb phone always being dead!

Sunday we ended up just chilling at home. Lys wasn't feeling to great and has a nasty cough.. we think it may be alergies.. poor thing..

Monday we stopped at great grandpas graves 

then headed to my grandmas for another bbq with my other aunt and uncles. By the time 6:30 rolled around we were all beat and ended up going home. The kids went straight to bed they were so exhausted and I of course watched The Bachellorette! I have been following the last few seasons so I kinda have to keep with them now right ;)

It was an enjoyable, busy, productive weekend and I now feel like I need just a day off to do nothing and unwind haha!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Little Dancer

This little girl was meant to dance!

I am so glad because I always wanted to be a dancer and did dance when I was little but for some reason never kept up with it. Soccer ended up taking over but every once in awhile I sure miss dancing. But I'm glad I have kids because we can all just dance around the house and I can get my fill ;)

We are thinking of finding her a new Dance school for next year, not that we dont' love where she is at because we do, but we just feel the dances are just so unchallenging for her and they wont really move her up. She can do so much more and we feel that every dance she does is pretty much the same as the last just to a new song. So if anyone has any dance school recommendations?

Here are her Dance photos.. I must admit, I was slightly disappointed when we received her pictures. We pay before we get them and to be honest I thought the little setup they had this time looked so professional and cute. I was excited to get them in hoping they would be less "school picture like". But they turned out worse :(

The editing and lighting was horrible and her poor face is all blurry!

I'm not one of those parents to complain about stuff like this, I know I should, but I would have had to complain to her teacher and I just figured I'd just take my own..

So that's what I did. And I think it turned out tons better! I was just bummed they just made her sit in a chair. They told her a pose but when she didn't get what they were saying, instead of showing her they just sat her in a chair.. I wasn't impressed.. especially because I know she is such a good poser infront of the camera if you just let her do her thing or if you show her what you mean. 

Her dance recital was really cute.
All the little girls danced to Disney Songs. Lys's group danced to Kiss the Girl & Under the Sea.

I don't want her to grow up just yet but I am really excited to see her progress and where she goes with dance!

Here's her dance to Under the Sea! She is the 4th from the right. I was so proud of her because she did the dance so well and followed her teacher :)

This is my digital Scrapbook. And.. yeah.. i designed the papers and stuff myself :) sweet huh?

Elysa's Favorite Video! She asks for it by pointing at the computer and yelling "Apples!Apples"