Memories of my grandpa:
• Waking up in the morning to the smell of my gramps pancakes.
• Seeing him out in the Garden, My grandpa loved his garden and whenever I went over to visit he would always be out in the garden in one of his straw hats
• I'll never forget my grandpas quirky smile when i'd sit next to him and say "Hey Gramps"
• My grandpa lost half of his middle finger when he was younger and he ALWAYS liked to pull jokes with it like the time someone cut him off and he pulled that middle stubby finger out, it always got us laughing because you could hardly tell he was
flipping anyone off haha
• My gramps was always so nicely dressed and he was notorious for his golf print shirts
• My grandpa also loved to golf and I always remember when I was younger calling for my grandparents and they would always be out golfing
• My grandparents are famous for their delicious applesauce and raspberry jam from their garden
• I'll always remember watching the Price Is Right every morning in the summer with my grandparents while eating breakfast. That is something Elysa and I have now made part of our morning routine is watching Price Is Right while eating breakfast.
• My grandpa also loved Matlock, when I worked at the Elementary school in Hyrum I always went over for lunch and while we ate we'd watch Matlock
Gramps is going to be missed so much, he is such a sweet, funny, tender hearted guy and there wont be a day that'll go by that I wont be able to think of him because anytime I eat applesauce, see a flower or watch Price Is Right i'll remember those are the things my grandpa loved.

Blaine H. Willmore
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