Halloween was way fun this year. Devin dressed up as Mario, we had the hardest time ever finding him overalls we searched everywhere and the only place we could find some was at Cal Ranch for $30 bucks.. eesh, anyways, I was Princess Daisy, from Mario for those of you who didn't know, and Elysa was the little thieving monkey from Mario Sunshine haha.. she played her part well..
We took Elysa to the mall for Trick-or-Treating.. she was so excited to get so much candy and was in awe by all the people in costumes. As soon as someone would give her a sucker she would take it and go "oooooooooooo" then want us to open it for her.. she would say "tnk oo" ( Thank you) but it was always after we would have moved past the person giving the candy haha.. at least she knows to say Thank you. 
This blue wig was part of Devin's moms costume, she was a blue m&m. Devin just had to try it on.
Here are our lovely carved pumkins.. Tigger is Cammies, the oogly googly guy is Tanners, Devin's is the one throwing up, Brittons is the cyclopes and mine is a.... mean face? I really didn't know what to do this time haha.

This blue wig was part of Devin's moms costume, she was a blue m&m. Devin just had to try it on.

Here are our lovely carved pumkins.. Tigger is Cammies, the oogly googly guy is Tanners, Devin's is the one throwing up, Brittons is the cyclopes and mine is a.... mean face? I really didn't know what to do this time haha.

Halloween was way fun and we wore Sisa out but i'm so glad her first real Trick-or-Treating experience was fun.
I love her monkey costume!!!! She is so dang cute!!! We're working on "thank you" with savannah and I am having ZERO luck. :-D
We haven't sold it yet; I think everyone is having the same problem I was having with it! Big TV's just don't want to fit in it. :-( It is 41 1/2" accross and 32" high. I tried to talk Brandon into getting a smaller TV so that I could keep it; but no banana. :-)
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