Christmas Eve we always have a family Christmas party at Grandma Bonnies. Santa came and Sis was excited until she went to sit on his lap.. She DOES not like Santa. Lately she has been scared of everything.. whether it's a bug on a page ( she HATES bugs) or hats ( she doesn't like hats on people either). It's so funny how she just somehow thinks these things are scary. I'm sure she'll grow out of it.
That night, Christmas Eve, we slept over at Grama D's house so we could stay up all night playing Super Mario Bros with Britton haha. We first opened up our pjs, we have made it a new tradition to get new pj's each year for Christmas and open them Christmas Eve. I found Devin some sweet soccer ones, I was sad they didn't have my size :(, and we found Sis some cute "Pongebob" pjs. She LOVES Spongebob! I happened to find me some comfy Spongebob pjs too, altho I was disappointed when I put them on because they were to small, apparently they were Childrens Larges, good thing they were out of mediums cause that's what I was going to get. So i'm planning on making the pants shorts when it gets warmer cause they are major floods, at least the top fits.
That morning Sisa woke up with the biggest smile on her face. So I went to show her all the presents under the tree and when she saw them she got her big ol' cheese grin on, stops by the tree, and says "HI!". Not sure why but it was darn cute. She had a hoot opening all the presents. We enjoyed watching altho it took her 1/2 and hour to open each present cause she was sooo dainty about it, she had to hand us each little paper piece she tore off so we could throw it away, we didn't mind tho cause it was so darn cute. She got tons of fun gifts, a little turtle with cut out shapes in it's back so she could learn to put each shape piece in there ( she likes to put objects together), a little broom ( she loves to help mommy sweep so we got her her own broom), some clothes which are ALWAYS needed. From Gamma and Gigi she got a cute little hersize kitchen, a little kid ipod ( which she loves to have hanging from her neck while she dances to the music) a little kid iphone which makes picture sounds so she likes to go up to everyone and say "cheese", some bath tub toys from her uncle Matty.. oh boy the list goes on and on.. she got spoiled lets just say that.

Christmas day we always go to Nanny's house for brunch and gift exchange. Sis got a cute little pull behind pink puppy and some cute clothes. She got a cute little UNC cheer outfit from her cousin in North Carolina.

Boy Christmas sure was exhausting this year. It came way to fast, I wasn't even ready, but it was alot of fun once it got here. Children really make holidays that much better. I can't wait until next year when she figures out Christmas means gifts, not only for her but for others too. Another thing we want to try and do is in December have her go through her toy box and pick toys she would like to give to Sub for Santa, or some Charity. We took a box to Sub for Santa this year.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
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I love your pages!!! You need to teach me!!!!!!!!!
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