We decided as a family to make Christmas more meaningful that we would find something charitable to do each year. This year while cleaning we found we had 15 too many coats haha. So we donated them to the Food Drive. The guy there was so greatful. Wish we could have seen the faces on the people that received them but just the thought that we made some people a little warmer this year made us smile.
Friday 24 we went to Grandma Bonnies traditional Christmas party. As always Santa was there. When he called Elysa's name to come sit up on his lap both me and Devin jumped up to go help sisa because last year she was not at all thrilled to see him. To our surprise she hopped up of Uncle Brittons lap, walked right up to Santa and sat on his lap. She told Santa how old she was and what she wanted for Christmas ( a dora ). After he gave her her present she hopped off, said "Thanks" and went back to Uncle Britton's lap. We were both in awe and so proud of her. She was the best little girl there :)

I will admit.. Christmas with a 2 year old is so much fun! Altho at first Sis didn't want to get out of bed on Christmas day. I told her " Sis, remember those presents under the tree.." that got her to perk up a little bit " Well you get to open them now." After that she sat right up and said " I get to open up presents now?" she then ran to the living room and started shouting " I open the presents now!"
We let her hand out the presents to everyone, we have my Brother and his fabulously cool wife Becky living with us right now. Elysa would get so excited when she got to open her presents, it took her 10 minutes to open each one however lol she would tear little pieces of paper off and throw it in the garbage before tearing another piece off, I don't know why she is such a neat freak lol. After she would open her present she would take it over to her pile and stack it neatly on top. Then she would RUN back to get another present. What a nut ball she is. I couldn't get her to hold still at all so I didn't get too many pictures.

Later that day we went to my moms to open presents. Elysa got just as spoiled there. She got a little kids trampoline! She freakin' loves it which is nice because she can easily burn off all the cookies she likes to eat. I thought I got a picture of her in it but I can't find it anywhere but I will get a picture because it is so hilarious.
After that we went to Nanny's for presents and food, back to my moms for MORE food and watched movies and pretty much crashed.
Sunday 26 we went to my grandma's for our family Christmas party. It was so nice to see everyone. Especially my cousin Janet and her hubby Jon who are living in Texas now. We hardly ever get to see anyone anymore so that is one nice thing about the holidays.. brings family together. We had fun laughs during White Elephant gifts, which we always do :), and had excellent food. Sadly I did not get pictures, we FINALLY got a video recorder so I got loads of footage but no pictures. I'll try to do both next time haha.
After 4 fun filled exhausting days I was not ready to get back to work. It was nice to get another break for New Years. We were planning on just staying at home and doing nothing this year but ended up having a pow-wow with both our families. We had a house full and I mean FULL of people. It was loads of fun, we had tons of food and pretty much played "Wipe-Out" on the Wii until midnight where not soon after we all crashed.
I wasn't sure what to make my new years resolution this year. Usually its the same, which it is..
1. Lose weight - which Crossfit is totally helping me achieve. I am down to what I was before I had Elysa and I plan on having a six pack by the summer woot! haha
2. Work on always being positive - that is always hard for me in the winter
3. Put money in savings and try TRY TRY to keep it there - it always seems that when we get a savings built up we end up needing for some unexpected expense, which makes me glad we had the extra money but sad that it never just grows and grows
I haven't thought of anything new yet but I am working on it. Altho I do want to lose this last 10 lbs and once I do we are planning to bring another bundle of joy into this world.. Elysa really wants a little sister.
I hope all your holidays weren't as grumpy as mine and I make it my resolution to put on a non-fake smile next year :)
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