Part 2 of Devin's Birthday was a RSL game on the 26th ( Part 1 was a game on the 2nd of this Month ). Hold up...... I just realized I never wrote about Devin's Birthday.. how sad! I'm sorry Devin! Well lets back up then and start there. For Devin's birthday I bought him an RSL ticket package where he got 2 tickets to 2 of RSL's home games March 2nd and March 26th. RSL won the game on the 2nd and awesomely beat down L.A. Galaxy on the 26th 4-1. It was such an awesome game! Anyways, back to Devins birthday for now, on his actual birthday he got an RSL track suit and me haha.. get your mind out of the gutter.. I surprised him on his birthday, March 14, by taking the whole day off work so that we could all spend the day together. We just had a nice, lazy, relaxing day on his birthday. That night we went out to eat with the family at Aggies and on March 19th we celebrated a double birthday for Devin and his sister at Firehouse Pizza. So he pretty much had a whole month of birthday celebration this year!
We went to the game with our soccer partners , Devins brother, Britton, and his mom ( who is hidding under th e blanket trying to keep warm)
Couldn't go without getting a picture of the amazingly hot.. err.. I mean awesome.. David Beckham! ;)
Goooo RSL!
Well, I also have been feeling very crafty lately and have been in the drawing mood. I have really missed drawing alot! I found a cute blog that showed how to sew a journal/book cover, here, and decided I wanted to try it out. Then I found this amazing blog : Lavender where this person did a sketch a day.. I loved how their book was and I decided to make my own! ( Especially because I was too lazy to go down town and buy a book because the one I found at the store down the street wasn't high quality but still cost $7 bucks! rediculous) So my brother was kind enough to give me the rest of his water color paper so I could make my book!
So I got all my stuff together and prepared to craft! I found the cute cute old circus material at the D.I and had been trying to figure out what I could use it for.. and i decided my book was a good place to start.
and then I began to sew the cover.
It ended up so cute, I think!
So I used some more vintage material I found at the D.I. and sewed me a little carrying, rollup, pencil case.
I love my little book and vow to sketch everyday until I become a pro!
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