* On a quick side now we think we have settled on a boy name, Henry William Davis. We already know we are keeping Emma Maria Davis for sure :)
So, Remember this:
It has now turned into this:
I still need to get the middle drawers knobs. I am going to get pink for the pink for Emma's side, green/blue (haven't decided yet) for the middle drawers, and of course orange for the Henry's side.
Idea of course is that the pink side will be Emma's side, orange side will be Henry's side and the middle will be diapers, socks, miscellaneous that works for both of them :)
I still need to get the diaper changing pads on this though, got the idea from this pinterest post:
So cute huh?!
Here are other projects I have been busy doing for the twins room:
* We decided to go with something neutral that would work for both. I'm kinda sick of the whole zoo theme that is always used for babies rooms so I wanted to do something different (only now I found out.. it's actually a big thing.. go figure!) I'm still claiming I came up with it first haha. We wanted to do a woodland theme room.
Inspiration came from this fabric I found:
Here is Henry's crib blanket:
His has orange backing. Emma's will have pink ( just need to finish hers)
Here are the curtains:
An picture wall art ( Need to finish Henry's ):
I think it's turning out cute so far! Still need cribs, bumpers, and a rug. Also there is a bench ( I will get a picture of later ) that I am going to turn into a toybox/reading nook so I need to get a pad for it and put the fabric on and get the pillows sewn.. oh boy.. this all may not be done by the time they get here! Had a doctors appointment yesterday ( everything looked great! ) but she told me I need to start really taking it easy. This is going to be soooo hard! I am going to force myself to do it for the babies but I am just not one to sit around and do nothing. I always have to busy.. I will survive!
On another side note, I have had a swollen lymph node in my right armpit for.. years now.. don't even know how long but it's never bothered my, except that it protrudes out some, only I could really notice but that was all. Doc said I could have it surgically removed if it bothered me but nothing to be worried about ( this was when I was about 18 )
Well a couple weeks ago it started to swell more and is really tender :( So I asked my doc about it and she is sending me to a specialist today to look at it and make sure it's not Lymphoma ( a kind of lymph node cancer ).
I am sooooo nervous! I have of course been researching everything about it and so far it looks like I could be in the clear and that it's just a normal thing that swells when pregnant BUT it's always better to be safe than sorry! SO I will keep you posted.
Well as if this post isn't long enough already here are a few more things that happened the last few weeks:
Sisa's ADORABLE new haircut:
And a little family Christmas party because one of my brothers will be in California for Christmas:
I'm so sad it turned out so grainy! I was trying out a new technique I read up on about taking Christmas tree photos and it involved the shutter speed setting.. apparently I don't know exactly what I am doing lol.. the color turned out great! And the lights glitter beautifully but everyone is grainy :( I still have a lot to learn! And practice makes perfect right?
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