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Sunday, October 21, 2012

6 months old already! & Preparing for HaLoWeEn!

Can't believe my babies are already 6 months PLUS! Could someone please make them stop growing so fast?

 I just love these kids so much. They really keep us on our toes. Especially since Hazel has started to really "crawl" around. She does what I call the "zombie crawl" which she kinda drags one leg as she crawls. But, whatever you want to call it, she can move all the way across the room no problem.

Preparing for HaLoWeEn!

 Lys helped with the decorations.

Custer helping decorate outside with us. That poor cat, Lys loves to torture her haha.. but despite all the torture Custer still loves curling up to Lys at night to help her sleep :)

I always tend to forget to post about our soccer tournaments. I think it's because I blog about it on our soccer page but forget to on my personal page. I shouldn't because soccer is a huge part of our lives lol..

We got to play in the Pumpkin Smash tournament on October [13]. This is our 3rd year playing I believe and for the 3rd year in a row.. we took 1st! We were completely undefeated this year too and it felt great! This is my favorite tournament. It was loads of fun!

We went to my parents Sunday [19] to carve some pumpkins. I am upset at myself for not doing a better job at getting pictures of us all carving them. I guess I just got to into it haha.  Mine was supposed to be a monster but ended up looking more like a dragon.

Lys was so cute and did such a good job. She really enjoyed coloring all over her pumpkin. Once she was done she wanted GiGi to carve a "pig face" onto her pumpkin...

Can't wait for Halloween! We have some fun costumes in the works and Lys has a dance Halloween party and even a dance recital at the corn maze! Stay tuned!

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This is my digital Scrapbook. And.. yeah.. i designed the papers and stuff myself :) sweet huh?

Elysa's Favorite Video! She asks for it by pointing at the computer and yelling "Apples!Apples"