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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Were moving!

Sorry, it's been along time since I have written so I decided to update everyone on what's going on. We are moving! But not for a few more months. We are renting a house from my husbands dad right now and he has another rental on the property.

The people that were living in the other home had lived there for about 20 years, since Devin's grandpa owned the property, well a few months back they started having issues and just sorta vanished without letting my father in law know. The heat got turned off from non payment and the pipes froze and burst causing some water damage to the place. While the tenants were in there they didn't take good care of ANYTHING so the place is sorta a mess right now. My father in law was really hurtin' because he know's he'll never be able to rent the place out now and doesn't have the funds to fix up all the damage and was just planning on letting it rott away. Me and my husband got to talking and thought it would be fun to fix the place up and talked to his dad and offered to live in the house rent free but we'd use our rent money each month to fix the place up until its immaculate! He agreed!

We need to get the place livable first and it needs new flooring in 2 of the rooms that got water damage. I ran into a flooring contractor that was looking to trade flooring for a website so once that gets approved and the new flooring goes in we will be moving in. Next will be a new kitchen which is what I am the most excited for!! We are gonna take pictures of before and after so i'll be sure to post those as we go along. It's going to be ALOT of work but it will be fun to use the money to fix things up because I love remodeling and painting. I just love to design whether it's a craft to a website to interior designing so it'll be way fun for me and I watch enough of those "Design on a Dime" shows that I am getting majorly excited.. plus.. who can beat rent free as long as we fix things up here and there?

This is my digital Scrapbook. And.. yeah.. i designed the papers and stuff myself :) sweet huh?

Elysa's Favorite Video! She asks for it by pointing at the computer and yelling "Apples!Apples"