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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

RSL Game & My new sketch book!

Part 2 of Devin's Birthday was a RSL game on the 26th ( Part 1 was a game on the 2nd of this Month ). Hold up...... I just realized I never wrote about Devin's Birthday.. how sad! I'm sorry Devin! Well lets back up then and start there. For Devin's birthday I bought him an RSL ticket package where he got 2 tickets to 2 of RSL's home games March 2nd and March 26th. RSL won the game on the 2nd and awesomely beat down L.A. Galaxy on the 26th 4-1. It was such an awesome game! Anyways, back to Devins birthday for now, on his actual birthday he got an RSL track suit and me haha.. get your mind out of the gutter.. I surprised him on his birthday, March 14, by taking the whole day off work so that we could all spend the day together. We just had a nice, lazy, relaxing day on his birthday. That night we went out to eat with the family at Aggies and on March 19th we celebrated a double birthday for Devin and his sister at Firehouse Pizza. So he pretty much had a whole month of birthday celebration this year!

So back to the game, as I said it was an awesome game and I am sure glad it was because it was f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-reazing cold!!! I thought the game on the 2nd was cold well this game was even colder! We were shaking so bad the whole game but it was nice that we scored 4 goals because we did lots of cheering and dancing to warm ourselves back up, if even momentarily.

We went to the game with  our soccer partners , Devins brother, Britton, and his mom ( who is hidding under th e blanket trying to keep warm)

Couldn't go without getting a picture of the amazingly hot.. err.. I mean awesome.. David Beckham! ;)

We got a made the most out of the weekend and got a hotel that night, Saturday night, which I was so glad had a hot tub because we got warmed up in it after the game. I love weekends in SLC sometimes because it's sorta like a mini vacation.

Goooo RSL!

Well, I also have been feeling very crafty lately and have been in the drawing mood. I have really missed drawing alot! I found a cute blog that showed how to sew a journal/book cover, here, and decided I wanted to try it out. Then I found this amazing blog : Lavender where this person did a sketch a day.. I loved how their book was and I decided to make my own! ( Especially because I was too lazy to go down town and buy a book because the one I found at the store down the street wasn't high quality but still cost $7 bucks! rediculous) So my brother was kind enough to give me the rest of his water color paper so I could make my book!

So I got all my stuff together and prepared to craft! I found the cute cute old circus material at the D.I and had been trying to figure out what I could use it for.. and i decided my book was a good place to start.

 After cutting my paper up I bound the book with this japanese stitching tutorial: here

and then I began to sew the cover.
It ended up so cute, I think!

After I finished I decided to try out a drawing and soon realized.. I needed something for my pencils!
So I used some more vintage material I found at the D.I. and sewed me a little carrying, rollup, pencil case.

I love my little book and vow to sketch everyday until I become a pro!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lose It! * I will succeed one way or another!!

I feel like one of those "fad dieters" or something. I am always trying something and never succeeding. Soccer of course is great, crossfit is great, running is great BUT I just wasn't losing weight and I FINALLY figured out why...... I wasn't counting my calories. It always sounded like a pain in the butt and I figured "heck if I am working out why should I worry about what I am eating?" We'll I found out what you eat matters greatly! You can lose enough weight just by eating correctly than working out constantly. It's all about the calorie consumption.  Well.. maybe I did know this I just didn't want to believe it because I freakin LOVE food.. way way way too much.

Well I finally got admitted into the iphone 4 world and am loving it. I started downloading apps like crazy because it was sooo easy and decided to try and find one that would help me count my calories so that maybe, just maybe, I could start trying to lose weight seriously and.... drumroll... I found the most perfect app in the whole wide world!!!
This wonderful app lets me add the foods I eat throughout the day AND it has it already in it's categories with the calories so all I have to do is choose the food, brand (if available) and how much I ate and voila! Food has been added. I already have turned down my favorite candies, Cadbury Chocolate mini eggs, ice cream, and that one soda that could have thrown off the entire calories for the day.

It also tells me how many calories I can eat a day, how many left to go ( after I log the calories ), and if I go over how many over I am. If I go over it allows me to add an exercise routine and tells me how many calories I can lose depending on how long I work out! AMAZING!!!

If I keep on track with this I can get to my goal weight by May 14, and YES the app told me that too! Oh my heck I am so happy because it is actually helping me see just how much I eat, I never realized! I honestly didn't think I ate that many calories in a day but boy was I wrong!

This sounds conceded, but I am so proud of myself haha, I am actually turning things down and not getting that extra helping because I don't want to have to log the food into the food diary.

Anyways, just had to share that incase anyone else was interested. It also updates my facebook for me and reminds me to weigh in each week so that everyone can see my progress to help motivate me more. I look forward to May 14 and I sure better be able to say I reached my goal weight. If I don't, you all are witness and can therefore chew me out in any way possible!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Is It Spring Yet??

First of all I have to talk about my little "demon" daughter haha. That's a little harsh but man she has hit her terrible twos! She has her nice moments but her mean moments as well. Her FAVORITE words are "Stop It!" Everything is "Stop It!". 
Her normal reply to: "Sisa I love you!" was "Love you too Mama." Now it's "Stop It!"

Me: "Sisa do you want a bite?"
Sisa: "Stop It!"

Me: "Sisa do you wanna go na-night?"
Sisa: "Stop It!"

That's seriously all we hear from the kid, haha. BUT we have noticed that if we try to tire her out during the day by going on walks or letting her play at the park she takes a nap and is alot more pleasant. 

So last weekend we decided to get out and enjoy the warm weather while we could. So we packed a little picnic and went down to first Dam to feed the ducks and eat some lunch. My brother and sister in-law joined us as well so it was alot of fun. It was so nice and so fun to FINALLY get out of the house and do something. 

I am SOOO ready for spring. 

My mom and I decided to do the 5k race today to help this little guy out. It was my first run ever that actually meant something other than just heading out the door for a jog. I'll be one to admit I don't like to run unless it's in soccer but I am so glad we tried this out. It not only was fun but I am so glad to find out I was in more shape then I thought I was. I jogged the whole 5k without breaking a sweat. next time i'm thinking of trying the 10k. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would too, so I am going to be keeping my eyes open for any runs coming up.

Sisa wanted to come too. Poor thing tho, it was alot colder than we thought it was going to be. If it weren't for that dang wind it would have actually of been nice. All in all it turned out really fun and me and my mom decided we are going to do more. As I was jogging I got really excited thinking about when Sisa is older we can go on lots of runs together. I plan on doing it more :)

This is my digital Scrapbook. And.. yeah.. i designed the papers and stuff myself :) sweet huh?

Elysa's Favorite Video! She asks for it by pointing at the computer and yelling "Apples!Apples"