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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Babies are here! 35 w 4 days

I can't believe they are finally here. Especially because we weren't entirely expecting it!

So we went in Sunday 25th at 8:00 pm because I was having some signs of labor and some cramping and heavy spaced contractions. We were really just wanting to get checked out. We of course were hoping we could have babies I was sooooooooooo tired and big and uncomfortable!

We started Thursday to help things along and went on a long walk to the park so Sisa could play. Friday we did the same and Saturday we went yardsales, the DI and then to the home and garden show. That was hilarious! I was quit some spectacle everyone stopped me to talk about huge I was. I had so many girls say "you poor thing" I even had a random guy take my picture because he couldn't believe how big my stomach was! I felt like a circus attraction, I got bombarded at every booth literally!

So back to Sunday, thats why we really wanted to be checked out. We really were hoping all that walking put us closer or there.

So I get all hooked up and they monitored me.I was only a 3+ which was what I was at my last appointment. Altho I was 90% effaced and I was only 80% before. An hour later i was to a 4.

I was having hard contractions so they decided to go another hour and when they checked I was to a 5 but my contractions were 8-10 min apart and they wanted me 2-3 min apart. They said they wanted to keep me and we'd see how it went. Contractions were getting harder but not closer so they talked me into an epideral I was hesitant cause I was handling the pain alright but I remembered I was pretty comfy with Lys after so I said ok.

Worst decision ever my blood pressure kept dropping, I got super sick and the contractions stopped all together! I felt HORRIBLE! They gave me patocin to get the contractions going again. The epidermal only worked on half my body so I felt everything on my right side, every contraction! I started getting major pressure so i told the nurse and I had gone to a 6. 10 min later I felt even more pressure and I was in horrible pain! They checked again, I was to a 7. 10 min later more pressure and I was in tears! I was to an 8 and they wheeled me off to the OR and from there everything happened so fast! I was put on a new bed, epidermal was FINALLY working how it was supposed to. We rolled in the OR at 5 am, I started pushing at 5:05 and at 5:16 Henry William was born weighing 6lbs and 5 oz and at 5:34 Hazel Marie was born weighing 6 lbs 1 oz 17" long.

We got to hold and feed Hazel once we got back to our room but Henry had to go to NICU for his breathing :( an hour later they wheeled us to our stay room on the 3rd floor and we had to drop Hazel off in the NICU with Henry so she could be checked. She was having a little trouble holding her temp up so they kept her.

They have both been progressing amazingly well! They gave him some "lung goop" I call it ( can't remember the official name ) to help open his lungs and at midnight last night Henry was taken off his vents and we got to hold and feed him for the first time! He did great! Now his feeding is tons better they are only helping him a little bit and we have gotten to go down every 3 hours and hold and feed both of them :)

They told us Hazel should be released tomorrow when I do and they we will get the hotel stay and she can stay with us and we can let half the fun begin till Henry gets out!

So far I am doing great, mild pain and discomfort but I was up walking around that day which was way different than with Lys. Me and devin have been trying to sleep but it is so hard. We had to take Ambien last night to sleep through the night which really helped.

Lys is so excited to be a big sister. She came to see them yesterday, but poor girl said she wasn't feeling good and ended up throwing up all over the place :( so she went to grandma D's and we sent her pictures. She was so excited but started getting sad today, I think because she sees mama and papa with little babies and she's not with us. She got to see them today through the window and she said she loved them :) but she did seem a little jealous and sad, poor little girl. I think once we all get to be together and she can hold the babies and we can still show we can hold her too she'll feel better :)

Here are some pictures that we have so far and I'll update more as it comes :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

34 weeks 6 days

Well made it to my doctors appointment.

(I'm posting from my phone and it throws all the pics at the bottom i guess so below is a photo of Hazel)

We found out from the ultra sound tech that the babies are 6 whopping pounds each!! Alot bigger than we all expected but at the same time made me happy. Cause I know they are big and healthy!

I have dilated to a 3+ so I am progressing! She said if I get to a 5 they wont stop me this time. Reason they stopped me last time is I gues they were nervous about me being only 34 weeks and they have me the shots to see if I was in real labor. If I was the hot wouldn't have done anything, so boo, guess I wasn't :(.

Again doc said could be any day up to next week.. I'm sick of waiting! Especially knowing they are 6lbs now! I am so scared I won't go into labor on my own and I'll end up have TWO 9 lb babies! My doc assured me that I will go into labor on my own but I am just starting to feel like I'll be pregnant forever lol!

Well here is HOPEFULLY my last huge belly pic!

Wish me luck in having these babies soon!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

34 weeks 4 days

I know I shouldn't complain... But this is my blog so I can right? Well I'm going too! IM SICK OF BEING PREGNANT!!! I just want to hold my babies! AND why would my doc say these babies could come any day and it would be fine then I get horrible contractions so I go in to L&D and they give me a shot to stop them and tell me to take it easy for 2 more weeks! Aaaah! I'm gonna go crazy!

*breathe* Alright I feel a little better now. I know I can make it if it's for the safety of my babies, I'll gladly suffer through to keep them healthy it's just getting SO hard!

Tuesday 13th appointment:

Doc said all looked really good, babies looked big And healthy, I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced. So things were going! That's when she told me she'd prefer I make it to next week but if they came now they'd be good and she wouldn't stop anything.

In my docs defense she was out of town Saturday ( the day I went into L&D ) the doc on call made the decision to give me a shot to stop the contractions. I was slightly bummed, I wanted my doctor but I was ready to have my babies too. At least it's getting closer. My biggest fear is to go to my induction date (WHICH ISN'T TILL APRIL 12th WHICH SEEMS FOREVER AWAY!) and have 8lb babies.. 2 of them.. At once! And I thought 10 was hard! Well, let's hope that doesn't happen. I have another app. this Tuesday 20th and I can see what all is going on and she said she was gonna strip my membranes too. I have had more signs of labor ( I'll save you the ooey details tho) but I have decided, since I was induced with my first, I have no idea anymore what's a sign unless my water breaks. So I need to stop looking at other blogs and sites for "signs" cause no one is going to give me a for sure answer.

Well, I'll update on Tuesday and hopefully I'll have good news and maybe a better realistic time frame of when they'll come! Plus we get a growth & development ultrasound my FAVORITE because we'll get to see our babies in 3d :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

33 weeks 2 days

Just a quick post about my last appointment on Tuesday March 6th :)

My doc found out that I have a bladder infection.. boo :(

I have had a bladder infection before, back in middle school and it was bad! I was out of school for a week, on crazy antibiotics, and was super super tired.. when I went back to school.. I fell asleep in class twice and my teacher had to call my mom to tell her.. It was really embarrassing!

To be honest, I didn't even know I had one, with the one I had before I could most certainly tell but this time, I didn't feel ANY of the symptoms. She did say it was mild.

I have been feeling horrible all week and now I don't know if it's from the infection or if something else is going on. I told my doctor that I have been having harder contractions and haven't been feeling to well. She was a little worried labor might be on it's way but she didn't want to check anything because she didn't want to accidentally start anything so she made me an appointment the following week ( March 13th ) my next appointment wasn't supposed to be until the 20th but she now wants to start seeing me every week!

She said on the 13th she'll check me out and see what's going on and she said if labor started she wouldn't stop it! She told me I could possibly go into labor next week also!! That  was a major shocker to think I could have babies next week! She would prefer I go to 36 weeks but 34 would be just fine and the babies would be healthy. 

I'm at at tossup.. I want healthy babies and I know the further I go the better it is but I CANNOT wait to be out of this misery haha.. man this week has been rough and I fear it's only going to get worse!

Oh upside to all of this, both babies are still head down :) Doc says that at this point they will most likely stay that way because of lack of room, they have been head down almost this whole pregnancy too so that is extremely hopeful for a natural birth.. i'm scared to death of a c-section!

So there is the update.. can't wait to find out next week how much longer I have!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 32!

We have been waiting for weeks to finally get to week 32! That is our safety week. That week means that if the babies came, they could be here and we wouldn't have to go to SLC :) 

Crazy to think that I have at most 5 weeks left before these babies get here.. now it's just a waiting game.. I want to at least get to week 35 which isn't that far away.. that week is also a safe week.. means they probably will be born healthy and would only have a few days, if any in NICU.

So what will I miss about being pregnant? hahahahahaha.. sorry.. had to laugh some first.. ok seriously now:

1] working fully from home and getting to be with my hubby and little girl
2] Naps whenever :)
3] Getting to feel the babies kicking like crazy and watching my belly go insane with movement.. sometimes it looks like something in a freaky horror movie lol
4]  baby showers :)
* On that note i'll quickly post about the cute baby shower my Mother-In-Law and sister-in-laws threw for me

They did a cute Noah's Arc theme. [Get it.. 2 of every animal? Plus they are boy & girl? Just making sure. My pregnant brain didn't get it at first lol ]

Here's everything we ended up with :) We got so many cute things from everyone! I love little clothes!

If you want to read more about it you can visit my sister-in-laws blog. She did a cute job blogging about it and rather than stealing her cute photos she took [ cause my pregnant brain forgot our camera.. plus I was too lazy ] you can just read her blog about it HERE. Plus she got a good picture of my big ol' belly ;)

5] Ultra sounds. Even tho I would rather hold them I love getting to see the growth and development ultra sounds.. makes the weeks go by faster just waiting for our next appointment. Here are the latest pics and stats:

[top picture]

Here's Hazel!
She finally showed her cute little face. Looks ALOT like Lys as a newborn.
She's 3.15 lbs here

[bottom picture]
Here's Henry!
Looking more and more like his papa :)
3.11 lbs

I think that's about all I will miss about being pregnant haha.

Now what I am excited about the not being pregnant:

1] Getting to hold my babies!
2] Getting to start [get used to] life as a whole new family
3] Having my body back!
4] Being waken up by baby cries rather than having to go pee every other hour or having to flip every 30 minutes because my side has gone completely numb from all the weight lol
5] Getting back to crossfit and soccer! I never thought I would miss working out sooo much
6] Just being able to perform simple tasks.. like walking to the bathroom or standing up for more than 5 minutes without being out of breath and feeling like I am going to pass out!
7] Lastly, and I know you never really get your energy back with kids, but having more energy than I do now! I hate having my mind go a million miles an hour with all the things I want and need to do and my body just laughing at me and saying " ya right!! Just go back and sit on the couch and do nothing.. because that's all you can do!" mmmhmmm

Whew... I just can't wait for these cute little babies to get here! It's so stinkin' cute too.. Lys has been doing alot "big girl" things like going to the bathroom without us having to follow her down the hall, putting her shoes on by herself,  picking up her toys and her reasoning: 
"I am a big girl now because I am going to be a big sister!"

Brings a smile to my face and a smile in my heart :)

We have another baby shower tomorrow [Whoopie] and another doctors appointment Tuesday [Whoop Whoopie] so i'm sure i'll be updating again.. if I can find the energy that is!

This is my digital Scrapbook. And.. yeah.. i designed the papers and stuff myself :) sweet huh?

Elysa's Favorite Video! She asks for it by pointing at the computer and yelling "Apples!Apples"