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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Come and Gone

{ Christmas in pictures }

My families Christmas party

Christmas Party at Grandma D's
All of the cousins in their matching fleece jackets from Grandma D 

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

Nanny's Christmas Party

Where did this year go??????

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

21 weeks

Today I am 21 weeks exactly! It's seeming to go a lot faster. In fact I know I don't have much time left before I am completely immobile or put on more bedrest so I have been very busy. I have been working on getting the twins room ready and am very proud with how it's turning out :)

* On a quick side now we think we have settled on a boy name, Henry William Davis. We already know we are keeping Emma Maria Davis for sure :)

So, Remember this:

It has now turned into this:

I still need to get the middle drawers knobs. I am going to get pink for the pink for Emma's side, green/blue (haven't decided yet) for the middle drawers, and of course orange for the Henry's side.

Idea of course is that the pink side will be Emma's side, orange side will be Henry's side and the middle will be diapers, socks, miscellaneous that works for both of them :)

I still need to get the diaper changing pads on this though, got the idea from this pinterest post:

So cute huh?!

Here are other projects I have been busy doing for the twins room:
* We decided to go with something neutral that would work for both. I'm kinda sick of the whole zoo theme that is always used for babies rooms so I wanted to do something different (only now I found out.. it's actually a big thing.. go figure!) I'm still claiming I came up with it first haha. We wanted to do a woodland theme room.

Inspiration came from this fabric I found:

Here is Henry's crib blanket:

His has orange backing. Emma's will have pink ( just need to finish hers)

Here are the curtains:

An picture wall art ( Need to finish Henry's ):

I think it's turning out cute so far! Still need cribs, bumpers, and a rug. Also there is a bench ( I will get a picture of later ) that I am going to turn into a toybox/reading nook so I need to get a pad for it and put the fabric on and get the pillows sewn.. oh boy.. this all may not be done by the time they get here! Had a doctors appointment yesterday ( everything looked great! ) but she told me I need to start really taking it easy. This is going to be soooo hard! I am going to force myself to do it for the babies but I am just not one to sit around and do nothing. I always have to busy.. I will survive!

On another side note, I have had a swollen lymph node in my right armpit for.. years now.. don't even know how long but it's never bothered my, except that it protrudes out some, only I could really notice but that was all. Doc said I could have it surgically removed if it bothered me but nothing to be worried about ( this was when I was about 18 )
Well a couple weeks ago it started to swell more and is really tender :( So I asked my doc about it and she is sending me to a specialist today to look at it and make sure it's not Lymphoma ( a kind of lymph node cancer ).

I am sooooo nervous! I have of course been researching everything about it and so far it looks like I could be in the clear and that it's just a normal thing that swells when pregnant BUT it's always better to be safe than sorry! SO I will keep you posted.

Well as if this post isn't long enough already here are a few more things that happened the last few weeks:

Sisa's ADORABLE new haircut:

And a little family Christmas party because one of my brothers will be in California for Christmas:

I'm so sad it turned out so grainy! I was trying out a new technique I read up on about taking  Christmas tree photos and it involved the shutter speed setting.. apparently I don't know exactly what I am doing lol.. the color turned out great! And the lights glitter beautifully but everyone is grainy :( I still have a lot to learn! And practice makes perfect right?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Being Thankful + 19 1/2 Weeks

Thanksgiving came and went way to fast this year.. infact this entire year, season.. everything is going way to fast. In a way I am thankful for it because I can't wait till I get to hold my 2 little babes in my arms :) But at the same time.. I don't want it to go by to quick because we have been trying to enjoy as much time as we can with just our little Sisa!

Thanksgiving day 

We headed over to Devins moms for some yummy Thanksgiving dinner. I had the task of bringing pie. We decided rather than buy store bought we were going to hand make them from scratch this year. We made an Apple Crisp, Banana Cream (my fav), and we tried a pumpkin pie cake (delicious!) Should have gotten pictures but they all turned out delicious!

After dinner at Dev's moms we went to my moms for some MORE food. Talk about being stuffed!

That is one thing I am definitely thankful for, family. I am also thankful for how close both of our families are. 

We decided to skip the FULL black friday events this year. We did go to Walmart for the 10 o'clock sale because they had $5 princess barbies! Sis really loves princess's this year. Can't wait to give them to her :) Next day we ended up hitting some stores Old Navy, Shopko, K-Mart. But that was about the extent of it this year.. I just get WAY to tired and worn out.. hmm.. wonder why?

We did get our Christmas decorations up that weekend tho :)

Sisa is really loving Christmas this year which is really exciting. She loves learning the Christmas songs and has been singing them non stop.

My work had a Christmas party the following week at Elements. The food was delicious and I stuffed myself about as much as I did for Thanksgiving; 4 course meal! Yay.. stuffed! Awesome part.. our work gave everyone Kindles!

I'd tell you how it is but....

I've been trying to get a turn from her!

19 1/2 Weeks

Now for the fun part :) We got to find out what we are having last Monday and welcome.....

Emma Marie Davis

Samuel William Davis 
( name is still up for debate haha )

We are so excited! A little boy and a little girl! We thought having a boy was impossible! But we would have never thought we were going to have twins either so I think we can officially say a miracle (or 2) was most definitely sent our way :)

Can't wait till they are officially here :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

17wks 1 day

 Getting bigger!
Not the best picture and it's just one of the babies. The doc didn't get any pics with both of them. 

We were so hoping that we could find out what they were this time. Our doc tried really hard and was only able to see/guess that Baby A was a girl. Baby B just kept it's legs crossed and did not want to show off.. we are hoping a boy? :)

BUT we have our perinatology ultrasound November 28th! That's less than a week and a half away! We thought for sure we would have to wait until the middle of December but nope! We are SOOOOOOO Excited! Can you tell?

So far, since last week, I have had some more energy.. not a whole lot but enough to start organizing like crazy!
 Organized closet ( I am just showing this half because the other half is still in need of work ). BUt I got all my shoes in bins as well as all my clothes ( yes there are 2 bins or shoes that are mine and yes I have the shelf and the dresser as well as the other wall of clothes... I know.. I have a problem.. my poor hubby!) Anyways, it's so nice to be organized!
 I also started organizing all my art stuff. Here is the shelf they will go on, they will be going in our other room since this room is now going to be the twins room. But my art desk was a mess! This will help alot ( should have gotten before and after pics of all of these huh?)
And lastly... this is going to be the twins dresser/changing table that we got at a yard sale last Saturday for $10!! I was soo stoked! I am going to paint it white and it's going to have hints of turquoise antiquing on it to match the upper part of the walls. I also want to try and find some cutesy knobs to go on it ( or I may just spray paint the ones currently on there ). Anyways.. can't wait till it's done. Can't wait till the entire room is done! But I am waiting to do curtains and bedding until I know for sure what we are having.

That's kind of it for now.. Nothing new. OH Zantec works wonders! But I still have hints of indigestion here and there even when I take it so my doc is getting me some samples for something a little heavier, but they were out so I have to go in next week and pick it up.

Now that's it! Peace out!

Friday, November 11, 2011

16 w 2days - The journey of being pregnant with twins

So of course being pregnant with twins raises LOADS of questions. And where is the easiest place to get answers, even if not exactly the best, the internet!

So I have been googling twins like crazy.. all the time.. wondering if this is normal or that is normal and I stumbled upon a blog where a woman recorded her entire journey of being pregnant with twins.. week by week. I thought, what a grand idea! It was interesting to hear what I could possibly be going thru since I don't have anyone I know that has been pregnant with twins recently to ask.

So here is my first official Pregnant With Twins journal post:

I am currently 16 weeks and 2 days. I was supposed to have my appointment today, or so I thought, but alas my pregnant brain got the best of me.. again. My appointment was supposed to be yesterday :( I was super bummed because I have read in several places that sometimes they can tell the gender at 16 weeks. ( I also read you get an ultrasound every appointment because they can't just listen to the babies heart beats because since there is 2 it's harder to make sure they are alright ). * Side Note: my last appointment I went in at 10:30 when my app. was at 11:30.. at least I was just early for that one. *
So now I have to wait till next thursday for my appointment.. maybe that will ensure i'll get to find out the gender? All i know.. is I can make it a week right? I made it a whole 4 weeks for this one!!

So far, I'm feeling alright. It's weird.. in the morning I actually feel completely normal.. almost not pregnant. But by the end of the day I feel heavy and tired tired tired. My belly is getting bigger ( i'll start posting pictures soon ). It's so hard to sleep.. it has been since week 12. My belly feels so heavy already and sleeping bites! I have to lay on my sides already and I wake up about 4 times a night for bathroom runs, that and having to flip to my other side because the one side has gone numb with pain.

My work has been awesome enough to let me work part time in the office and part time at home.. so from 9-12 I am in the office and the rest of the time I am at home. I am hoping this will prevent total bed rest.

I have stopped Crossfit :( Which I am sad about, I was planning ( before finding out I was having twins ) to work out the whole time. I did not want another 10 lb baby and I didn't want to gain 50 lbs LOL ( 45-50 lbs is how much I am supposed to gain with twins ). I worked out till week 13 but then it just got really hard, I just got to worried. I am so nervous about everything and I don't want to be the cause of anything bad happening so I decided to take it easy. I am thinking about joining a gym so that I can just easily work out at my own pace and still try to keep fit in hopes it will help these babies be strong and go full term and keep me off of full bed rest.

Still haven't felt them yet. I think I feel flutters but I can't tell if it's gas, muscle spasms or what.

OH the worst WORST part so far, even worse than lack of sleep! Is the HORRIBLE indigestion.. OMG it's horrible.. it makes it so I don't want to eat and when I do I never can eat alot. I have a horrible taste in my mouth all the time and my stomach feels a nasty full feeling. I tried Tums.. they help some, at least take away the heart burn. I am now trying Zantec, first day so far, I think it is working..

Last Saturday we did end up in the labor room at the hospital. I had alot of wetness in my underwear it looked and smelled like clear water and I was nervous it was amniotic fluid ( sorry if that's TMI ). Turns out it wasn't, it was just normal pregnant bodily fluids I guess but they wanted me to keep tabs and make sure it wasn't a slow leak. So far no more water leaks but man it scared me! It was really reassuring to see those 2 little guys moving in my stomach tho ( they had to use an ultra sound to check everything ).

Well that's the journey thus far. I'll keep you posted next week after my appointment.. that I better not miss this time!

Friday, November 4, 2011


This is my little niece Isabell Virginia Wallin. She is my brothers beautiful little girl.. my first niece on my side of the family and I sure do love her! She is about a month old now and she has the redest cutest hair ever!

My sis-in-law was sweet enough to let me try out some photography on a newborn..

I've decided newborns are adorable! And newborn pictures are so darn cute! BUT MAN!! THEY ARE HARD TO CAPTURE!! This little girl just didn't quite want to work with me.. she was wide awake, wanted to squirm squirm squirm and poor thing ended up getting a little tummy ache that ended the shoot. I ended with with 2/10 pictures that worked... I am alright with them I had TONS of ideas that i'll have to do down the road but she sure is a cutie right?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Sisa was a cute little Witch. { yes she did her makeup herself.. she wants to be a big girl so bad ;) }

We started the trick-or-treating out by going to Grandma Edo's work then we headed over to the mall. We've decided we really like this trunk-o-treating they do there because we don't really have to do the door to door thing and she get's PLENTY of candy all in one place! Last year was beyond packed, this year wasn't so bad.. and there was more candy.

Lys was WAY excited. She told us " LOOK! Everyone is dressed up just like me!" she didn't realize everyone dresses up for Halloween.. she also told us she "LOVES CHRISTMAS!"... ya.. she forgot what holiday it was too haha..

We went to Super Grandmas where Sis taught her how to play Team UmiZoomi games on the iphone

Then we went to Nanny's for more candy and where Lys met up with her cousins.

I have a very photogenic little girl.. she wanted to be in EVERY picture with her cousins. haha

We ended the night with Dinner/breakfast at Village Inn

Overall... Lys got a VERY heavy bag of candy and conked out as soon as we got home.

{ Devin is a crazed RSL streaker fan.. scary thing is.. he's naked underneath all those clothes! Cheesy I know.. that's what he was telling everyone lol }

Monday, October 31, 2011

Catching up.. Jackson Part 2, Elysa Soccer, Pumpkin Smash

I am a little behind on blogging.. so here is just about everything that has happened in the past few months in one post.. ready??? Well.. here we go....

 { Our drive around Jackson just before we headed home } 

{ Left-Right: Madden, Tyson, Vince, Elysa, Cody, Easton }

We signed Lys up for 3-4 year old indoor soccer. It was cute to watch her play but we decided that next time.. we wont sign a 3 year old up for soccer haha. Did I mention we were the coaches too? Aw yes, trying to coach 3-4 year olds is one heck of a job. The first few games they were all into it! Running around, getting the ball, having fun.. by the last week the younger kids had had it! The older kids were bigger and ALWAYS got the ball.. so the little ones just layed on the floor, sat on the bench, ran in circles, or in Lys's case.. danced in the middle of the gym lol... They were a hoot tho! I was glad when the last week came, however.. but it was a fun experience!

October 15 was this years PUMPKIN SMASH! Last year our team took first place so we just had to enter this year. I didn't play hardly at all because my doc said with twins.. i'd have to be done early :( But we were short girls a few games so I play a minute or 2 here and there since it was my last week I could play soccer, I had just decided before that I wasn't going to push it.

It was a beautiful, warm, fall day tho! It was fun to play and watch and in the end.... we won first place again!

{ Back Row: Sarah, Brent, Mike, Edgar - Bottom Row: Devin, Elysa, Ann, Marissa }

{Some more Family Photos by the fabulous Jenn Lyday! }

Whoo... and there we have it! Next time i'll try not to get so far behind! 

This is my digital Scrapbook. And.. yeah.. i designed the papers and stuff myself :) sweet huh?

Elysa's Favorite Video! She asks for it by pointing at the computer and yelling "Apples!Apples"